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Basic Function of an Oscilloscope

This java applet shows the basic functions of an oscilloscope. The oscilloscope is an electronic instrument widely used in making electrical measurements. The main component of the oscilloscope is the cathode ray tube (CRT). The CRT is a vacuum tube in which electrons are accelerated and deflected under the influence of electric field. The electrons are deflected in various directions by two sets of plate placed at right angle to each other in the neck of the tube. Signal for the horizontal deflection plate (X-axis) is generated by the scope

It mathematic form is Fx(t)= C t + D (default)

      C : time scale
      D : horizontal offset

The external signal (need to be measured) is applied to the vertical deflection plate (Y axis).

The default form for this java applet is Fy(t) = A sin(w t + B)

You can change X or Y axis signal to either kind of signal.

It can be operated in different mode

 X = C t + DX = A sin( w t + B)
Y = A sin(w t + B)default modeLissajou's figure
Y = C t + Dnot supported for an oscilloscope

For parameter B please enter value in degree.

Click within one of the knobs and drag the mouse button clockwise/countercolockwise to change values for Time/Div, Volt/Div , yOffset and xOffset.


Any suggestion?
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