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The Oscilloscope


Oscilloscopes are commonly used to measure voltages which are functions of time. On the simplest level the oscilloscope has a pair of terminals for connecting the voltage to be measured, and a display which produces a graph of the voltage as a function of time. Controls are supplied for adjusting the scale of both the voltage (vertical) and time (horizontal) axes. Before making any measurement these should be adjusted so that the signal trace appears as large as possible on the display without going beyond the boundaries.

In the display to the right you can select one of three voltages to be measured. For each one, as you select it, an ampltude and frequency for the wave will be selected by the computer. The oscilloscope will then attempt to display the graph of the voltage using the selected scale for the voltage (on the left of the display) and the time (on the right of the display.) These might not be the most appropriate, and you should try selecting different values to observe how the display changes. Note though that it is only the display that changes. The voltage itself is unchanged.

When you have adjusted the display of the oscilloscope to correctly show the graph of the voltage, you can

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